My Bees Are Flying

I am so lucky.  All four of my hives are alive and thriving.

For the last eight months my bees have been left to their own bee-ish devices.  I’ve been too busy with Culinary School and professional cooking to mess with them.  I’m delighted they’ve been thriving despite my benign neglect.  I guess this happens when one lets one’s bees be bees…

A few years back when I was busy preparing for a big trial, my inattention resulted in the growth and development of what I fondly refer to as my “Mean Bee Hive”.  It’s the biggest, healthiest, and most productive hive I have! (Yes, they are a little defensive….)

The Mean Bee Hive

The Mean Bee Hive

I still avoid messing with my Mean Bees.  I have no idea what’s going on in their lower deep, and I don’t want to know.  I suspect it’s some type of mystical and magical bee alchemy I wouldn’t understand.  I’m happy if they’re happy.

Notwithstanding the above, late winter/early spring is a precarious time for bees.  I’m going to make some Bee Fondant (Yes, that kind of Fondant!) tonight or tomorrow.

But here are a few pictures I took yesterday.  I wish these pictures showed how active my bees actually were!



Obviously, there is much cleaning and gardening to be done to pretty up the Apiary.  But right now, I’m delighted that everyone is surviving the winter!

18 thoughts on “My Bees Are Flying

  1. Mr. Militant Negro says:

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

  2. Emily Scott says:

    Great news! And such beautiful hives. I wonder if the bees in the mean hive would benefit from having the creepers pulled away from their entrance, so they can get out more easily and more sunlight falls on the hive.

  3. Deborah, I’m so happy to hear your bees are alive and well after winter. Your Mean Bees sound like Pepper’s hive whom I’m also happy to leave alone to their deep and mystical alchemy inside the hive! Happy spring ahead 🙂

  4. Jill Weinschenk says:

    Do you have a good recipe for fondant or know where I can find one? Thank you, Jill

    Sent from my iPad


  5. Nikki Vane says:

    Hi Deborah, great news! I am happy too, as all my bees were flying frantically yesterday (was lovely here in London). I had worried in case one colony had not survived, but thrilled that in fact they have. Happy Spring to you and your bees!

  6. About as happy as mean bees can be, you mean! I, like Emma, also take care of one of the UK branches of the Mean Bee family. They really get around. Good to hear from you again. Hope culinary school is going ok.

  7. Shirley McAllister, 2120 says:

    We have 3 hives, looks like we may have lost 1 hive to the winter but there are bees in the other two and one of them was really busy yesterday. Good to know that at least a couple of our hives survived the winter.

    Shirley McAllister


  8. upsidediy says:

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I’ve always wanted to keep bees. So much to learn! 😀

  9. Grower says:

    Four for four is great this time of year! Well done, bees. I recently lost the smaller one of my two but the survivor is going strong and still below a good supply of honey. Fingers crossed.

  10. Leslie Lansing says:

    Under more than two feet of snow here and temps in the sub zeroes at night, don’t expect any bees to be flying anytime soon. I hope it warms up soon because I am receiving two packages of bees in late March……fingers crossed!

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